April 17, 2024

In Provence!

By Elizabeth Hasen
In Provence!

The first time I went to Italy in 1985 I was overwhelmed by the visual beauty at every turn.  My focus then was on things humans had made:  the churches, the statues, symbols and iconography, the Roman ruins, the history of it all.  I thought how lucky the people were to live with the richness of this beauty in their daily life,  

On this trip to Provence, however, it is the beauty of the natural world that has really captivated me.   Spring has come a month earlier than usual (due to climate change) -- so the lilacs and roses are blooming, the fields are full of poppies, the fruit trees are blossoming,   Having left the cold of northern Vermont, being surrounded here with the freshness of nature here -- in the exquisite countryside, the vineyards, the gardens and the city squares with their tall, shady plain trees -- has made my heart sing.  


And we found a green rabbit tile at the Palace of the Popes in Avignon!

Perhaps when we return I will try to capture the lovely colors of Provence in some new jewelry designs -- delighted to have experienced a lovely part of France, and happy to be returning home to the Vermont I love. 



  • Jayne Mattson on April 19, 2024

    Provence… ahhhh.. who doesn’t love the beautiful blue skies and surrounded beauty. I can only imagine what you will create. Can’t wait to see it.

  • Anne Stevens on April 17, 2024


  • Trisha Griffin Carty on April 17, 2024

    I absolutely loved your post! We were in France many years ago, and I still remember it’s beauty. Can’t wait to see what designs your creativity might yield from your travels :-) so glad you enjoyed your trip, trisha

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